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Our Logo

The name 'UniHealth' is a reference to the underlying principle of the Group – 'Being United in Healthcare' and is a symbolic image of the vision of its founders to ensure provision of effective healthcare services for all global citizens, irrespective of the numerous cultural, economic or geographic differences and distances.


The logo provides the Group its corporate identity and unifies its team across various geographies while giving confidence to its associates and clients.


Depicted in bright and bold colors, the logo comprises of two free humans hailing from different backgrounds, uniting to gain access to healthcare, with the connecting line with waves significant of the different levels of healthcare availability to people from different economic and geographic backgrounds, clearly outlining the vision and mission of the Group.


The name 'UMC' in UMC Hospitals is a reference to 'Unihealth Medical Centre', adapted from the medical centres preceding the commissioning of the Group's hospitals and derived from the parent Group's name - 'UniHealth'.

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